BARBARY PARTRIDGE (Alectoris barbara)
Gibraltar’s Barbary Partridge will never be prized for its song which is described as a 'series of shrill, broken monosyllable clucks with interposed double notes'. Its meat however might be a little more appealing to some, and that is possibly how the birds originally came to the Rock. Predominantly a North African species, Gibraltar is the only mainland European location for a self sustaining wild population (they are also found offshore in the Canaries and Sardinia).
Although most moths in Gibraltar are nocturnal, some may be observed during the day include Zygaena fausta gibraltarica. The larvae of the Pine Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoaea pityocampa) can easily be encounter during are many walks in the Nature Reserve, particularly during spring, when their when long trails of caterpillars come down off the pine trees to search for suitable areas to pupate. Their hairs can cause a rash when contacting human skin and for that reason, children and pets should not come in to contact with them.
A day in the wilderness, witness the region from a natural history perspective!
A day out in the wilderness with a licensed guide. Are you tired of large noisy tour groups, or feel you have no time to stop and take your time to capture a brilliant flora photo opportunityies without having that feeling of being left behind by the tour guide? Well if you feel that way, and your a nature lover, just want to stretch your legs, breath some fresh air or simply want to engage in a leisurely walk in the countryside, this tour is just for you! Experience how man and natural history has influenced the the region around us. Watch a plethora of wildflowers and butterflies and enjoy some stunning scenery.
We will take into account your activity preference whether its flora photography or just a gentle leisurely walk enjoy the the local wild flowers. Let us know what your medical conditions / limitations are. Your health and safety is paramount for us! A great option if you'r based in Gibraltar or nearby area. We will arrange pickup / drop-off free of charge. Also a great option for general nature photographers.
What you require - Use appropriate footwear and clothing (no sandals). You can choose to bring your own food, however, tours pass by several restaurants and cafes. Bring your medication, suncream, sun shades, whilst insect repellent and a hat is optional.
PLEASE NOTE: Our tours are strictly natural history, fees do not cover entrance to individual tourist sites inside the nature reserve such as the Moorish castle, St' Michael's Cave, cable car etc. Contact us for more info.
Some of Europe’s most colourful butterflies can be observed and photographed during our tours around Gibraltar. Butterflies such as the Two-tailed Pasha, Swallowtail, Scarce Swallowtail, Spanish Festoon and the superb Monarch are some of our highlights, if you are lucky you might even bump in to the less common moroccon orangetip which can sometimes be seen in certain areas in Gibraltar during spring. Across the border in Spain, many more species can be observed at different elevations.
You may be lucky to bump in to butterfly migration involving passage species such as the painted lady, which has peaks in Spring and autumn, also coinciding with the arrival of many species of dragonflies. Painted Lady are one species that can occur in huge numbers at certain times of the year, especial April and late summer.
Amongst the more sedentary species, one could expect to encounter the beautiful Cleopatra, and the ubiquitous whites, both the large and small versions. Striped grayling and the Speckled wood are also common. The Geranium Bronze is often encountered in the city area amongst green areas.
Some of the species that can be observed include:-
– Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
– Two-tailed Pasha (Charaxes jasius)
– Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
– Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)
– Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
– Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
– Large White (Pieris brassica)
– Small White (Pieris rapae)
– Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
– Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)
– Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina)
– Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra)
– Geranium Bronze (Cacyreus marshalii)
– Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
– Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
– Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus)
– Southern Brown (Argus Aricia cramera)
– Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)
– Striped Grayling (Pseudoptergumia fidia)
Zygaena fausta gibraltarica
Contact us for availability and fees
BARBARY MACAQUE (Macaca sylvanus)
Although it occurs in the Atlas Mountains and Rif Mountains in Morocco, the Barbary macaque population in Gibraltar is the only wild monkey population on the European continent. Their origins are unknown although suspected to have been imported from North Africa, no records exisit. Their populations in Africa are experiencing a decline due to hunting and deforestation, whilst Gibraltar population is increasing. Currently, some 300 animals in five troops occupy the Upper Rock area of the Gibraltar Nature Reserve, though they make occasional forays into the town. Feeding them is strictly prohibited! As they are a tailless species, they are also known locally as Barbary apes or rock apes, despite being monkeys